About the Author
This handbook was created by Dr Julia Dillon for Monash Health Emergency Medicine trainees using information provided in ACEM OSCE reports and the ACEM Fellowship Examination Resources. Julia is an emergency physician and a passionate educator. She is an ACEM examiner and has been involved in OSCE preparation at Monash Health since 2019.
Adapted from past preparation handbooks by Dr Jon Dowling, Dr Jonathon Isoardi, Dr Darren Powrie and Dr Julia Haire.
About Monash Health
Monash Health is Victoria’s largest public health service, providing high-quality care for the south east of Melbourne, Australia. On average, our three emergency departments treat more than 180,000 patients each year. We provide tertiary health services, as well as university affiliated international research & teaching facilities.
We currently have over 120 Emergency Medicine trainees. For further information, please explore the Monash Health site here.
The intended audience for the advice provided is trainees in Emergency Medicine.
The handbook has been written specifically for Monash Health trainees and is being shared here in keeping with the spirit of the #FOAMed movement.
Emergency medicine knowledge is dynamic and rapidly expanding. As such, if I have made inadvertent errors or you find out-dated information please contact me and I will update.
Advice provided is current as of Jan 2025. Subsequent changes may be made to the exam process and all information regarding the exam should be sought from ACEM.
All content on this website is provided for use in the context of the ACEM Fellowship Clinical Exam only. It does not constitute clinical medical advice. Applicability of the information should be based on expert, professional judgement and personal circumstances.
The author does not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the use/application or resulting outcomes thereof from the information contained in this website.
Our site links the user to various other emergency medicine websites. The author is not responsible for the content of any linked site and the inclusion of a link does not imply that the author has approved all content on the linked site.
Please contact the author if you feel any changes need to be made to the site: Julia.Dillon@monashhealth.org